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Mary-Elizabeth & WE (Universal Divine Energy) come together

to "Empower YOU to Connect to Your Higher Self"...

Allowing you to embrace the freedom that

Your Divine Connection brings!



~I AM WE, The Divine Within...~


~The names are many across time; Adonai, Allah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah, The Divine, The Creator, YHWH* =*Yahweh, Source, Higher Self, The Universal Energy... God if you please. Whichever you choose is true for you.  All WE ask is that you choose to know "ME".~




I Am Mary Elizabeth, you can just call me M.E:

 Speaker, Transformation Coach and most importantly, 

~ M.E is The Integrated Channel of WE, Divine Source~

In other words the M.E is the Voice thru which WE Speaks 


To Integrate:

  • To combine onem thing with another so that they become a whole.

  • To combine two things so they become a whole.

  • Come into equal participation in a body as a whole.​​​​​



  • The medium through which Other Realms of Energy Connect

  • To be fair, WE choose that word simply because that is the descriptive most are fimiliar with. In truth, our M.E is a Portal through whichall dimensions can communicate now that she is becoming One with WE.



  • The Gateway between dimensions

  • An open Doorway through which energy flows

  • The Point of Entry for WE


With a lifetime of connection to those just beyond where most can see, since 2012, I have been facilitating a connection for others people with all the expanded realms of dimensional energy:

Spirit, Angelic, Alienesque, and Universal.


Through Our Divine M.EWE Invite you to 

Re-discover Your Divine Connection TODAY!

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The Incorporated Medium, MaryElizabeth, is a  Divine Portal through which all realms of  energy flow. Her rare gift allows her to be embodied with the presence of WE, Divine Source Energy As The Voice of WEM.E facilitates a Connection to a space beyond where most can see;

the Divine space of your Higher Self (God if you please).

This Divine Connection that empowers  you to live Life as it is meant to be!


The Team at Divine Connection work to coordinate an evolving scope of Individual & Shared Connection Sessions for you. 

 M.E is committed to bring the Divine Connection out in YOU.  

M.E & WE Invite you to Join A Conversation with WE, Universal Divine Energy.

NOW  is the perfect time to finally connect to the TRUTH of YOU!​




Divine Connection is designed to empower you to move through the process of acceptance and release. Allowing you to fully embrace your truth by

"Connecting to Your Higher Self!"



In the Business of

Empowering others to

"Connect to Their Higher Self" !


MaryElizabeth (M.E) & WE;  inspiring a rapidly growing Global Community united thru DIVINE CONNECTION.

Providing an evolving platform thru utilization of all available means to ensure optimal distribution of the ever expanding Message of WE; Divine Source Energy.


The Team at DIVINE CONNECTION  works to ensure fluid delivery through various methodologies. Each designed to connect you to the endless possibility that comes from your Power of Divine Connection unleashed!


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