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We'd like to invite you to Join Our Launch of this exclusive 16 week

“Member’s Only Program Series” divinely designed to help you tap into your Divine Connection with The Inner Self, WE. A combination of Group and Individual sessions combine to empower you to unleashe “The Power Of ME” as you learn to live life with purpose, passion and faith... igniting the Power that is YOU! 


welcome to series #1:
Connecting to the power of "ME"  

​No more playing small,

being told what to do or who you should be…

this is your day to choose to break free!


Welcome to The Mastermind Mentoring Series Programs designed to provide you with topic driven Personal Growth Connection Programs created to assist you in living life “In the fullness of ME”. 


Each four-month Mastermind Mentoring Series is designed to tap into the power of coaching and community to foster the growth you seek. By combining the power of Individual and Group Zoom Calls these programs are geared towards facilitating a more conscious connection to The Inner Self.


All Series Programs contain two- four Month Course Offerings that will run within the same calendar year.  All are specifically designed for consistency to assist you in finding the space of clarity needed for growth/expansion in the areas of focus you choose:

​*Relationships *Purpose *Career *Finances *Spirituality *Community


Each individual Series Course is specifically created to provide you with additional insight, tools, guidance and connection to like-minded individuals.  All key elements in facilitating a positive shift within the dynamic Power of Creation that is you!


Series Courses run for 4 Months- 4 Modules each. Each module is distributed across four weeks, consisting of a combination of twice weekly Group Zoom Calls and/or individualized 1on1 Zoom Calls 

 (detailed in each Module Synopsis)

Is today the day You Take A Leap of Faith In You?

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Module A

March 3rd- March 28

Module B

March 31st- April 4/25

Module C

April 28th- May 16th


May 26th-June 20th

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Your Program Package Includes:

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  • Exclusive Enrollment: To maximize the benefit to all involved, only 15 Member spaces are available per Series (purchase availability will close as soon as group capacity is reached).


  • Access to the “Members Only Series” Private Facebook Group where members can connect, share and seek advice in this exclusive community of like-minded individuals.

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  • Exclusive Excess to a weekly “Friday Focus with WE” Facebook Live that only this group has access to via the Private Facebook Group until the program is complete.


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  • You receive a Free Digital Copy of the Series Course Workbook

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Monthly Module 4 Week Schedule
~Monthly- 7 days/ 8.5 hrs-2.5hr/2 days per week~


Week 1

Launch Week Only: Monday: 4:15pm PST 1.5  Hr  Group Zoom Call

Tuesday -Friday: 30 Min 1on1 Zoom Call 

NOTE: Scheduling Link Will Be Sent Within 48 hrs of Course Purchase


 Week 1: Months 2,3,4
Monday: 4:15pm PST
1 Hr  Group Zoom Call

Thursday: 4:15pm PST
1.5 HR Group Zoom Call



Week 2

Monday: 4:15pm PST
1 Hr  Group Zoom Call

Thursday: 4:15pm PST
1.5 HR Group Zoom Call



Week 3

Monday: 4:15pm PST
1 Hr  Group Zoom Call

Thursday: 4:15pm PST
1.5 HR Group Zoom Call



Week 4

Monday- Friday: 
1Hr Individual Zoom Call w/M.E.
You will be asked to reserve a timeslot that will be the same for all four months 

NOTE: Scheduling Link Will Be Sent Within 48 hrs of Course Purchase


Red Fireworks





Make a One Time, $4500 Payment and you save $2218!






Make 3-$1600 Monthly Payments, (Total Due:) $4800 and you still save $1718!

Learn More

Questions & Answers

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How To Scheduling 1on1- Zoom Sessions?


We will TEXT All who Purchase The Course Program a separate calander link within 48 hrs.  NOTE: DO NOT Book On-Website

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What if  I cannot attend LIVE Group Zoom Calls?

All Program Zoom Calls will be recorded all Course Members will have the link within 48 hours.

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What time are the Friday Focus FB LIVE?

Every Friday @10:30am PST for the Duration Of the Course. Each New Course will have a different FBLive Day/Time.


Your Guide

MaryElizabeth- One with WE, The Inner Self;

God if you please.

I am MaryElizabeth, but my friends call me, M.E.  I Am an Author, Spiritual LifeCoach, Speaker: clairvoyant; psychic medium; channel and most importantly I am One with WE; the Voice-box through which God speaks.     


The Divine Connection I bring is here to empower you to stand in your own voice; believe in your dreams; and more importantly, help you to reconnect to the full Power of your Inner-self; what WE calls The Power of "ME" 


The Power of 3: You, me and WE brings you one step  closer to being who you were born to be!

© 2023 by Skyline

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The Book

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The Book


The Story of struggle, Faith and finally learning to connect to my Light within.  Inn other words, a story of God

Connecting to The Light Within... A Journey of Faith

My story, shared to serve as an illustration of the common struggle to live one's own truth when faced with the expectations of others.  As we try to meet those expectations, we lose sight of our own light within.  We find ourselves stumbling in the darkness, unable to find the person we call "me."

     The words are intended to shed a light on the endless possibility that comes when you choose to allow the Light to lead.  As you join me on this journey, you will begin to see, where there is expeactation released, there is acceptance: where there is darkness, there is light.  

     This is the story of my journey of self-acceptance, an unexpected journey of faith.  The guidance given from a divine connection beyond me, made possible because of the connection my psychic gifts bring. A story shared to spark change in your self-perception as it relates to the light within you.  The light that connects all things.  All in an attempt to emphasis your impact on humanity.  The pages weave an amazing story of hope, a story of faith, a story of truth  beyond our understanding. In other words, a story of God.

The Album

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The Album

MaryElizabeth, The Prophet of WE & Layla, a Quantum Bio Healer

A meditative Channeled collection that brings together the Words of WE and the frequencies of what the Angels bring.

To Purchase Scan or click on QRCode...
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MaryElizabeth is...

New Arrivals

F.U.S.E: Ignite the Power of ME

F.U.S.E: Ignite the Power of ME

The 1st 4 Month Course in the Mastermind Mentoring Series Program

Little Sedona Expo- 3/22&3/23/2025

Little Sedona Expo- 3/22&3/23/2025

Come See M.E & WE speak at Noon and for your individualized connection session!

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MaryElizabeth & WE

MaryElizabeth & WE

The Incorporated Divine Portal & The Voice of WE, Divine Source Energy. A session with M.E & WE is having a confersation with your Higher-Self!

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